The threat to the integrity of educational assessments is not from ‘essay mills’ but from Artificial Intelligence (AI)

abstract person walking in front of words and letters

The threat to the integrity of educational assessments is no longer from ‘essay mills’ and contract cheating but from Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is not so long ago that academics complained that essay mills, ‘contract cheating’ services, and commercial companies

Evaluation, Assessment and Feedback (Guidance to Educators)

Transcript Welcome all. Please feel free to share this video if you think it would be of interest to your colleagues. I want to talk today about some of the terminological differences that we have across the English language teaching

Designing Courses: Thinking about Programming Assessments (5’52”)

In this short video (5’52”), Simon touches on three basic principles of programming assessments. The first is that it should be programme wide, the second that assessing outcomes not content provides future flexibility, and the third that summative (or credit-bearing)

Designing Courses: Assessment for Learning (10’22”)

  This short lecture (10’22”) presents the fundamentals of assessment for learning. Often referred to as formative assessment, I prefer to use the terms ‘assessment for learning’ and ‘assessment of learning’ instead of formative and summative. This is because ‘summative

Designing Courses: Assessment – First Principles (9’38”)

In this short lecture (9’38”), Simon outlines the basic structure of sound assessment. Describing reliability, validity, and fairness in assessment and exploring a range of different assessment forms. These range from diagnostic to synoptic (capstone), to formative and summative. Being

What are four reasons for providing feedback to students? (3’59”)

There is a wealth of literature that describes the purposes of providing feedback as part of the learning process in higher and professional education. I’m going to distil this voluminous research and scholarship into four key purposes. Firstly, feedback for

Four contractual agreements to make with your students about feedback (3’30”)

There are social conventions, unwritten rules, around feedback in a formal education setting. Most students associate feedback as coming from the voice of authority in the form of red marks on a written script! It is important to redefine feedback

Four Types of Assessment (Video 4’42”)

In response to a question from a client, I put together this short video outlining four types of assessment used in higher education, formative, summative, ipsative and synoptic. It’s produced as an interactive H5P video. Please feel free to link

Simplifying the Alignment of Assessment

Some recent work with programme designers in other UK institutions suggests to me that quality assurance and enhancement measures continue to be appended to the policies and practices carried out in UK HEIs rather than seeing a revitalising redesign of