The Metaverse explained for university leaders: challenges for universities ahead (3/4)

Woman wearing a VR headset

Press coverage of recent cryptocurrency disruptions and the significant staff reductions at Twitter and Meta is giving pause for thought amongst investors and futurists, as well as university leaders considering the future of the Metaverse. The fact that you may

Metaverse explained for University Leaders:
 A simple guide to the immersive future (1/4)

Two VR individuals

University Leaders will doubtless come away from the latest round of late summer conferences with ideas about how to seize some real estate in Metaverse. With some caveats, I would suggest it is worthwhile that Universities start thinking now about

A new national vocational learning strategy. What could a Te Pūkenga Ako Strategy look like?

mans hand putting pins in a map.

Te Pūkenga (https://tepū, the centralised vocational tertiary organisation in New Zealand created in the last two years, represents an exciting opportunity to create a new way of conceiving of the learner experience. A learning experience based on learner choice, learner